What a year, right?
Full of drama, it never ceases to surprise us.
But like any other year, it has to come to an end eventually.
Goodbye 2020, thanks for all these invaluable lessons you’ve taught us!
Lesson #1: Anything could happen
As cliché as it might seem. Like the currently ongoing pandemic we’re going through right now. It’s like an absolute movie material right there, if you think about it.
Even amidst horrific situation created by the pandemic, it’s undeniable that there came great opportunities for some individuals. Not to understate the widespread devastation and sufferings, but anything could really happen. And that’s life.
Things do happen, as good or bad as it is. Or as good or bad as we perceive it to be. Objectively speaking, it’s really the matter of how we overcome every challenge thrown at us at any given chance. Ironically, we humans can’t help but being subjective most of the time. Which makes it not easy at all for us to handle and survive all these hardships, without breaking down to various extents at some points in life.
This leads us lesson number 2, which is also one of the useful tips in navigating through and overcoming our humanly problems.
Lesson #2: It’s time to build a healthy relationship between us and our possessions
Yes, Our possessions do help us living and enjoying a life, but they do not define who we are. When we lose them, we’re not losing ourselves. We still are and we’re still here despite the big waves coming our way.
On the other side of the spectrum, though, it would be foolish of us if we’re not learning from the current outbreak. Since our survival also heavily depends on it, saving is important and should be a necessity. It just makes sense that we have to always be prepared for at least another year whenever we can.
Just keep in mind that you are not your possessions. They might disappear, but you’re still you, and you’re still here. If anyone fails to see that, it’s not your fault. Hang on, keep going, and be the best and strongest you.
Easier said and done and more complicated in reality than it sounds, but that’s the fact: You are not your possessions.
One more thing is that, being more grateful does make our lives more enjoyable, beautiful, wholesome and easier to get through. And I’m saying this in a non-judgmental way, because I’ve experienced it first hand. That’s how I understand that we need to be reminded again and again about this. And that’s just the way it is. It’s a constant everyday battle and life-long struggle.
Reading Carol Graham’s article here might give you the bird’s-eye view on people’s struggles during this pandemic era. It might give you some perspectives and dots to be connected here.
Lesson #3: Health is PRECIOUS, it’s invaluable
Often an overlooked asset of our existence here on the earth, now we began to appreciate health much, much more.
It’s like the whole pandemic situation is reminding us that there is so much more than money, career and pride.
If you read about the many prominent people who passed away from the coronavirus and coronavirus-related complications, you might weep inside. But you’d also realize that without health, it’s impossible for us to enjoy the life we’ve built with all the sweat and tears.
And if you think about those who lost their loved one(s) due to the 2020-coronavirus, wouldn’t it just break your heart? Especially around this time of the year – christmas must be unbearable to these grieving people.
If you are grieving the loss of a loved one, I can only share this beautiful, heartwarming song (by The Piano Guys and Craig Aven) with you.
Lesson #4: Trying to befriend with uncertainty a little bit more will do us more good than harm
Uncertainty is scary. True that.
But then came 2020. Full of surprises, we all know and feel that.
So, why won’t we start learning to get more comfortable with uncertainty?
Uncertainty has been everywhere since the beginning of time, whether we realize it or not. And we’ve been dealing with it since forever, at times without us realizing it.
Sure thing we need to be prepared and we need to plan ahead. The most difficult thing here is to create the healthy balance between being prepared and being flexible. It could also be extremely difficult to stay in the healthy side of “taking control of our own life” and not fall into the “control freak” side of things.
Being adaptable is an essential skill in navigating through the life’s labyrinth. It’s not easy. It requires a significant conscious effort almost every time, but we could train ourselves to be better and better at it.
Do not underestimate your capability to adapt.
If you’re a quote person – fist bump! – here are 7 uncertainty quotes to inspire you every time you need some boost during the unexpected tough times.
Lesson #5: Deeper appreciation for the seemingly “little things” we often (subconsciously) take for granted
Toilet paper.
Online delivery service.
How would we survive this chaos without them? fights over toilet paper – this less expensive day-to-day necessity has become more precious during the lockdown chaos. Life does become less painful with the existence of these 2 things!
Bluer sky.
Less pollution.
My polluted urban surroundings looks and feels like how it used to be 10 or more years ago. Blue sky, better quality air – even more crickets, frogs, dragonflies, butterflies, birds, lizards, geckos to name a few have come out to enjoy the seemingly healing nature!
And maaaan, how I miss travelling! I miss strolling around, being outdoor without having to wear these “suffocating” masks. Exploring new outdoor venues and enjoying my hot latte, chai latte and green tea latte at different cafes!
These activities we got the privilege to do every weekend or any other day pre-pandemic. We can’t do these anymore with 100% enjoyment and zero fear nowadays.
Oh how I miss the privileges of living in the coronavirus-free world!
Yep. The privileges. Because we didn’t realize their values until they’d been taken away from us.
Lesson #6: Humanity still exists
Despite crazy things happening out there, people do help each other out.
In a still-developing country where I live, different groups of people got together and did whatever they could to provide proper personal protective equipment to the health care workers. Especially in the chaotic beginning phase of the outbreak, when the supply still didn’t match the demand.
A mom working as a courier spends her spare time to educate the people in her village to become more self-sustaining in this particularly tough period of time. She leads by example and educates the residents to plant their own greens make the other raw food materials available for themselves. She does all that, still making the time to fill the gap in the rural children education system during this pandemic era. In which online learning system has been “imposed” on every student, regardless the availability of sufficient internet connection in rural areas.
Across the water on another island, a group of youth took a great initiative to “recycle” edible uneaten foods and distribute the packages to those who need them the most. It’s a heartwarming collaboration between these volunteers and supermarkets, groceries stores and catering services in the area. What a clever way to reduce the amount of wasted foods and help those in need during the hardship, right?
People do get creative in the problem-solving department.
Many people began to realize the equal importance of both innovation and practical life-sustaining departments. Especially in times like this.
Higher tips for the frontline workers to thank them and to lift a little bit of burden from their shoulders. Just like they’ve made our lives easier as well these days.
And the exchanges of prayers and best wishes between strangers – you didn’t get that very often pre-pandemic, right?
Lesson #7: There is always hope
As if the great things above are not enough to brighten your day, vaccines will soon be available for some of us. Even better, researchers keep looking for the best treatments for the currently widespread disease.
Acknowledge and try to stick to the bright side of things whenever you can. Hang on until the good news comes your way.
And you’ll live another day to tell the story to the next generations to come.
When the whole pandemic is over, keep these positive attitudes we’ve learned this far. Let them remind you that you are stronger than you thought. And believe it when they tell you that there is always hope.
Merry Christmas, graceful people!
Goodbye 2020, welcome 2021, no more surprises, please!
Love and best wishes,